Saturday, 23 February 2013

30 Years Of Art

"Panorama: 30 years of the arts", presented by students, alumni and faculty of the School of Arts and Communication at the University of Montemorelos, one of our sister Inter-American Division of SDA institutions in Mexico.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Abingdon Reflections

In celebration of the 60th Anniversary Year of the Barbados SDA Secondary School a large crowd gathered on the lawn of the Abingdon Campus in the afternoon of the Sunday, February 10, 2013 and was wowed and wooed by the Royal Barbados Police Force Band, the choirs of the Bridgetown SDA Primary School and the Barbados SDA Secondary School, radio personality, Anthony "Admiral" Nelson, and several other artists.

Abingdon Reflections from USC Barbados on Vimeo.