Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Monday, 6 October 2014
Our Grand Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Please join us to celebrate the official opening of our new #Barbados home ~ https://t.co/E6WaLriqqO pic.twitter.com/H16i6WLjUT
— USC Barbados (@USCBarbados) October 7, 2014
"We are inviting you to our Grand Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on October 26th at 10:00 am. Come meet the President of our University, the Dean of GE-CAPS and many other distinguished guests. Bring the gift you have saved up for a while. Help us to be fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology teaching tools. Call us to confirm your attendance at (246) 662 - 1828."George Greaves
Campus Co-ordinator
University of the Southern Caribbean
Barbados Campus
The celebration starts on the morning of Sabbath, October 25, 2014 when the following USC senior faculty and staff will be presenting at key spots across the island:
Ephesus SDA Church
City South District Convention (Ephesus, Maranatha, New Life & Alpha Emmanuel)
Click here to follow the live stream.
Dr. Clinton Valley
University President
Jackson SDA Church
Dr. Wanda Chesney
Vice President Academic Administration
Chance Hall SDA Church
Dr. Claudette Mitchell
Checker Hall SDA Church
Dr. Sylvan Lashley
Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
King Street SDA Church
Merna Riley-desVignes, MSc(HRD); DHA(cand)
Vice President for Human Resources
Cane Vale SDA Church
Southern District (Cane Vale, Moriah, Pilgrim Road & Silver Hill) Supercharged USC Rally - Sabbath Afternoon starting at 4:30 pm.
Click here for map & directions.
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The Henry family attending the 2014 Alumni Homecoming |
We are encouraging our alumni to wear their Kente stoles to all USC activities celebrating the official opening of our new local campus here in Barbados this weekend. This is a great opportunity to show our pridefulness and love for our alma mater, as well as our affirmation of our Afro-centric heritage and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in West Africa currently suffering and dying in the Ebola epidemic. These activities include the Sabbath Morning Services at the King Street, Ephesus, Jackson, Checker Hall and Chance Hall SDA Churches where USC leaders from the Main Campus in Trinidad will be presenting, the Supercharged USC Rally at the Cane Vale SDA Church in the afternoon, and the Ribbon-Cutting on Sunday morning. If you don't have or cannot find your graduation Kente stole, we still have a few of our specially branded USC Barbados Alumni Chapter Kente stoles @ BDS 75 - first-come/first-served - available at the library of the Barbados SDA Secondary School. Pick them up no later than noon, Friday, October 24, 2014.
Click here to visit our Facebook Page.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Blast From The Past
Unearthed above is a clipping from the March 1950 edition of the Inter-American Division Messenger. It celebrates the recent completion of what was then the mission (now conference) office on the corner of Collymore Rock and Brittons Cross Road, and the Advent Avenue Church in the Bank Hall area. Both buildings, pictured below, are currently in a state of transition. The old conference office ~ http://goo.gl/maps/k2ad8 has appeared somewhat abandoned for a number of years since the Maranatha Church moved out to the new church which they are building on Forde's Road in the Clapham area ~ http://goo.gl/maps/VIyXj, however, the old building was actually earmarked by the last conference administration for conversion into office and retail space for the Adventist Book Center and Adventist Community Services. The Advent Avenue Church is in the midst of a massive church building project adjacent to the now "old" church building ~ http://goo.gl/maps/B73CX.
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The old East Caribbean Conference of SDA office building |
Advent Avenue SDA Church |
Monday, 4 August 2014
A Short History Of The Adventist Church In Barbados
Dr. Glenn Phillips treats on the 130 years of the rise and growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Barbados in the August 2014 edition of the Adventist World Magazine. Click here to read it.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Bajan USCian In The Spotlight Again
It's Crop Over in Barbados and the camera again falls on Bajan USCian musician and reigning calypso monarch Ian Webster.
Friday, 11 July 2014
So Send I You
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
"...of the highest order..."
A baccalaureate sermon delivered to the Class of 2014 of the School of Medicine - Loma Linda University by Elder Dr. Charles White - a great grandson of Ellen White.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Don't mistake the crossing of the Jordan for the conquering of Jericho
Don't mistake the crossing of the Jordan for the conquering of Jericho ~ http://t.co/j3SBt0pOAn
— USC Barbados (@USCBarbados) May 15, 2014
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Irisdeane Francis – the Minister: The Caribbean Leader
Saturday, 29 March 2014
"Born in India, raised in Australia, educated in the UK, employed in the USA and travelling all over the world for his current work – it's a good CV for someone giving the March Diversity Lecture at Newbold College. Dr David Trim is Director of Archives, Statistics and Research at the Seventh-day Adventist world headquarters. His subject for the lecture was 'Seventh-day Europeans? American and European approaches to mission in Europe 1880-1940'.
This was more than just a nostalgic trip into the Church's past. A historian by training, Trim believes that going back to early Adventist history offers guidance for the modern Church. His lecture explored how Seventh-day Adventism took root in Europe and whether it remains 'an American implant'.
David Trim Diversity lectureWith quotations from early Adventist speeches and publications, Trim demonstrated that the first Adventists saw no need for foreign missions. They believed that 'going into all the world' simply meant evangelising the immigrant communities in mainland America. "The principal theatre for the third angel's message seems to be in our own country", wrote Uriah Smith in 1865.
It took the Church over a decade after its formal organisation in 1863 to send its first foreign missionary despite the fact that men and women of European origin and those converted to Adventism elsewhere offered to be missionaries. In the late 1860s, Adventists in Europe and America discovered each other. In 1869, the Swiss congregation in Tramelan sent their pastor Jakob Erzberger, to the United States to the General Conference Session where he was ordained. James White repeatedly tried to raise money for Swiss believers. He reported that Americans were willing to give to "circulate publications in their own land" but "to risk their money to help the cause in Europe does not look so clear."
In the early 1870s, repeated appeals from the Swiss Adventists persuaded the Americans to send J N Andrews to Europe in 1874. He found existing groups of Sabbath-keeping Adventists thanks to the work of the independent Polish missionary Czechowski. "Andrews", said Trim, came "as an heroic helper ‒ to lead, not to learn from Europeans." He did too much himself, was unsympathetic towards the new Adventists, and believed, said Trim, "that Americans were more godly than Europeans."
All of this earned him the strong rebuke of Ellen White who told him, "The very best general is not the one who does most of the work himself but one who will obtain the greatest amount of labour from others." Ellen White told early European missionaries, Loughborough and Cornell, that their attempts to start the work in England in the big tents which had been so successful in America's mid-west had not taken account of the local context.
"The work in Old England might have been much farther advanced now than it is if our brethren had not moved in so cheap a way..." she said in 1887.
When Andrews died in 1883 the European torch passed on ‒ most notably to the German L R Conradi. He saw the need to dispel the common perception that Adventism was an eccentric American sect and taught that Adventism was native to Europe – all the elements of it can be traced to the Reformation. He dedicated himself to producing a 'home-grown' Adventism in the mould of German Pietism.
David Trim - swiss imageThe results were impressive. In 1883 there were 223 Adventists in Europe. By 1914 there were 35,146, most of them Germans or German-speakers. Over this period attitudes were changing back in America too. Church leaders were now publicly asking: "Are we sending missionaries for America or for God?"
Sadly the German Adventist Church split largely over attitudes to participation in World War I. The Reform Adventists believed they could not support the German war effort. Conradi did not agree. He finally left the Church in 1932. After the Second World War, much of European Adventism needed once more to depend on American finance and personnel.
Trim concluded that much has now changed. American influence is steadily diminishing as the Church in other parts of the world becomes bigger. But the underlying question for mission remains the same as it was at the 1901 General Conference Session. Veteran missionary to India, W A Spicer told his audience there, "When Jesus knew He was sent from God, and went to God, He knew something that we need to know too. Too many are sent from America, and they go to America. We want to be sent from God, and to have God's house as our home."
"As Spicer spoke, there were so many 'Amens' ringing around the meeting hall, that they are noted in the minutes", said Trim. Many of the audience at Newbold's March Diversity Lecture clearly agreed."
- Original article: http://adventist.org.uk/news/2014/2014-buc/seventh-day-europeans#sthash.zt3b2hSo.dpuf
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Bajan USCian In Diaspora Spotlights Men's Conference
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Pastor Cameron Bowen (right) along with Pastors Mario Augustave, Myron Emonds and Ainsworth Morris |
Saturday, 8 March 2014
Getting Jiggy With It In Bridgetown
Yes, that's Pastor Hall, Youth Director of the Caribbean Union of Seventh-day Adventists, getting jiggy last Saturday night in Jubilee Gardens, Bridgetown. Read all about it here: http://www.nationnews.com/articles/view/mega-music-night/
Friday, 28 February 2014
Trinidad: Adventist University adds a PhD in Educational Psychology
"Adventist educators recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the University of Southern Caribbean (USC) in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, to offer the first doctoral program in educational psychology. The event brought leaders of USC and Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan, to partner and allow graduates to practice as certified school psychologists in Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, and Canada..."
Read more: Trinidad: Adventist University adds a PhD in Educational Psychology | Seventh-Day Adventist Church – Inter-American Division Trinidad: Adventist University adds a PhD in Educational Psychology |:
'via Blog this'
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Friday, 3 January 2014
Celebrating the Life of Bro. Rufus Williams
Sincere condolences to the family of Bro. Rufus Williams who recently passed away in the USA. Bro. Williams was an outstanding lay leader in St. Lucia when it formed part of the East Caribbean Conference of SDA. He was the father of USC alumni Dr. Lena Williams Caesar who served in Barbados along with her husband Pastor Dr. Lael Caesar, now Associate Editor of the Adventist Review, Dr. Ruth Williams of Southern Adventist University, and noted Harvard University Professor, Dr. David Williams.
Click here for Obituary.