The Annual Barbados Camp Meeting of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists coincides this year with what most Christians around the world regard as Holy Week - remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a tour of the island by a visiting group of musicians from the main campus of the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) in Maracas Valley, Trinidad & Tobago.
The Camp Meeting under the theme "Transformation Through Christ" kicks off on Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 pm and runs until Sunday, April 1 at the Conference campsite in Oldbury ( The USC musicians will be touring the island also from Wednesday, March 28 to Monday, April 2. A unique feature of this year's Camp Meeting will be a Passion Play and musical presentation (5:00 pm) and a National Communion Service on Good Friday, March 30 at 10:00 am. (Please note that Adventists practice an Open Communion where all Non-Adventist Christians are welcomed to participate. It is preceded by a Foot-Washing Ceremony [Ordinance of Humility] also open to all Christians). Guest Speaker for the Morning and Evening Devotional sessions of the Camp Meeting is Pastor Dr. Herman Davis, Sr. formerly of the Florida Conference of SDA in the USA.
Sabbath, Saturday, March 31 will be a High Sabbath Celebration on the campgrounds. The USC Choir and Orchestra will be performing during the Divine Hour Service at 11:00 am. Keep in mind that during the Sabbath School Session starting at 9:00 am the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will be collected, and that a portion of this offering which is collected worldwide will be coming to USC for the building of a Campus Church. Since the chapel/main auditorium was destroyed by fire in 2012 it has been difficult hosting large gatherings on campus for religious events, so please give generously.
In case you cannot make it to Oldbury for the morning (6:30 am) and evening (6:30 pm) Devotional Sessions and the Sabbath Services, they will be live-streamed on the Conference website: and its Youtube Channel: Please note that all SDA Churches in Barbados will be closed on Sabbath, March 31 except for King Street, Breath of Life, Black Rock and Mile-&-A-Quarter where the Camp Meeting will be live-streamed.
Easter Sunday, April 1 at 6:00 pm the big "Behold Our God Concert" comes off at the Mile-&-A-Quarter SDA Church ( The USC Choir and Orchestra and various other musical ensembles and soloists promise a FREE musical treat that will long be remembered. We are truly fortunate and blessed to have them here on the island at this time of heightened spiritual awareness. Please come out and support them by bringing your friends and families, and a special offering to support the USC Music Scholarship Fund.
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MAQ SDA Church - Hopeland, St. Peter, Barbados |
[In solidarity with USC, alumni and friends are encouraged to wear their graduation or alumni Kente stoles (and/or accessorize with the school colours - green and gold) for the Sabbath Service and Concert].
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